Nutrition Facts are estimated using a database that this owner is not responsible for maintaining. Exact nutrient information will depend on the exact ingredients and amounts used when making this recipe.
1 cup of loosely packed fresh basil equals about 21-28 basil leaves, depending on the size of the leaves. Yes, I count them;)
I made this basil balsamic dressing with different amounts of fresh basil. The basil flavor really started to stand out when three-quarters of a cup was added and really stood out when I used one cup of fresh basil leaves.
This is a thin salad dressing. If you prefer salad dressings to have more substance, replace the water with more olive oil.
If you add this to a salad that also has a salty cheese (like feta), you may not need to add much salt at all.
If you use this for a chicken marinade, you'll definitely want to add a pinch of salt and black pepper before you bake the chicken in it.